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These cookies are from Zoella's video 'Quick & Easy Festive Treats'. Their are basically big gooey cookies with chunks of white chocolate and Terry's chocolate orange. This recipe makes 10-12 large cookies (you can make them smaller to make more) and they take 30-40 minutes to prepare and 11 minutes to bake.
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300g castar sugar
200g margarine
1 egg
275g self-raining flour
75g cocoa power
white chocolate
a chocolate orange
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Preheat the oven to 180 Degrees C. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the margarine and sugar until its all combined together. Then add the egg and mix together, then gradually add in the flour and mix carefully otherwise the flour will go everywhere. Once all the flour is in, add the cocoa powder in and mix it until its all combined and looks like a thick dough. Now break the chocolate up into pieces and add it to the dough. Line a baking tray with tracing paper and place the balls of dough onto the tray, i managed to fit 4 on 1 tray with enough space if they spread out. Put the tray in the oven for 11 minutes. When you take them out of the oven, they wont seem cooked but you need to leave them to set. If you leave them in the oven for any longer they wont be gooey cookies. All you need to do now if put them on a nice plate and show off you baking skills to you family and friends aha.
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Chocolate Orange Cookies

16th December 2016 : Food

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